Wednesday, May 30, 2012

World's Best Camera : Human Eye

My Thoughts# 1

Yes, I believe the World's Best Camera is our own Human Eye.

There is no other camera more powerful than our eye.

Macro shots?
Wide angle shots?
You name it, it has no competition.
It has the best Lens (Eye lens) mounted. One lens for all. 
With processing speed, as fast as flash of a light.

It has the best memory support of the brain also, which can store any picture/moments very safe for decades. 
There is hardly any risk of losing this data, data getting corrupt etc. (Though,accidents can completely format the whole memory.. :P)

One of the disadvantages is that you can't print these photos. (Though, if you are a painter, you can try to print (paint/draw) them on  canvas. :))

The best part is that everybody has World's best Camera with them and that too, free ! :D
Try yourself to believe !

Sad Eyes - Ankit Khare
Sad Eyes - Ankit Khare

ps: The above statements are purely my own thoughts and belief. So, please ignore some exceptions like there are also people who don't have eyes (some, even don't have brain also.. :P). 
