Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Should I change my password?

Recently found a website that will check and to some extent can answer to your question: Should I change my password? 

The name of the website itself says it all. You just need  to enter your email (it will not store your email id, according to the website) and it will let you know, if your account has been hacked and require a password change.(That's pretty cool :-), isn't it? )

Here is the link -->

This website doesn't actually check for your password strength etc, no at all. It has database of the all the accounts hacked and leaked on the internet (as of 27th July 2012, it claims to have more than 1 crore 20 lakhs email ids database :-O). It will look up your email id in those leaked email ids. If granted, it can store your email id and alert you when your email id comes in the list of leaked email ids on the internet. Its a simple idea but its really good, I must say. 

So, go and check if you need to Change Your Password?

It says, I don't want to change my password :-D

In this today's world of rapidly growing internet world and in the same pace is growing the methodologies of breaking security and hacking. Or you can say, the risk has increased to many folds. So, having a strong password has been a mandatory part of your web world, at least. 

Here are some of the tips, I believe that can help you in this regard:
  • Treat your passwords like your ATM pin. :-D
  • Avoid having dictionary words, strictly, even a beginner will crack it.
  • Lengthy password really helps. Try to have at least 8-10 length of password.
  • Its really good to have some special characters like  $, *, #, @ etc in the passwords.
  • Never try to save your passwords in a text files, emails, in mobiles etc.You can use your BRAIN, really :-P
  • Change your passwords once in every 3 months, at least.
  • Avoid using "save this password" features of web browsers. Never on Shared Computers.

So, always Keep It Simple Secure ;-)
